Play School English & Bengali Medium

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Dear Sunny Point School Family,

As the proud Principal of Sunny Point School, it is both an honor and a privilege to extend my heartfelt greetings to our esteemed students, dedicated parents, and the entire staff.

Our journey at Sunny Point School has been one marked by a relentless pursuit of academic excellence, character development, and the holistic growth of every student. As we celebrate twenty-five glorious years of shaping young minds, it is an opportune moment to reflect on our shared achievements and set our sights on an even brighter future.

Education is the cornerstone of empowerment, and at Sunny Point School, we are committed to providing not just education but an experience that nurtures curiosity, instills values, and prepares our students for the challenges of tomorrow. The foundation laid by our founders, Late Swati Mukherjee Mallick and Pradip Kumar Mukherjee, with the blessings of Mother Teresa, continues to guide us.

Academic Achievements: Our students’ academic achievements have been a source of immense pride. Year after year, they have showcased excellence in various fields, demonstrating a deep understanding of their subjects. Our dedicated faculty plays a pivotal role in fostering a love for learning, critical thinking, and intellectual curiosity among our students.

Holistic Development: Sunny Point School places a strong emphasis on holistic development. Beyond the confines of textbooks, we provide a plethora of extracurricular activities – be it in the realms of sports, arts, or community service. These activities are designed not just to build skills but to foster teamwork, leadership, and a sense of responsibility.


Character Building: In our pursuit of excellence, we recognize that true success is not measured solely by academic accomplishments. Character development is at the core of our educational philosophy. Through values-based education programs, we aim to mold individuals who not only excel in their careers but also contribute meaningfully to society.

Parental Involvement: I extend my sincere appreciation to our parents for their unwavering support. Your involvement in the education and growth of your children is invaluable. It is heartening to see the collaborative efforts of parents and teachers, creating a nurturing environment for our students.

Looking Ahead: As we step into the future, we remain committed to staying abreast of educational advancements and adapting our methodologies to meet the evolving needs of our students. The integration of technology, innovative teaching methods, and a continued focus on character development will be pivotal in shaping the next chapter of Sunny Point School.

In conclusion, let us celebrate the successes of the past and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. The strength of our school lies in the unity of our community, and together, we will continue to inspire, educate, and empower the leaders of tomorrow.

Thank you for entrusting us with the education of your children. Here’s to another twenty-five years of excellence at Sunny Point School!

Warm regards,

Smt.Kakali Mallick

Principal, Sunny Point School